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纸牌屋(House of Cards 英文版)

时间:2014-06-01 10:35:38  来源:  作者:迈克尔·多布斯爵士(Michael Dobbs)  
简介:  在首相连任竞选中功不可没的党鞭长弗朗西斯·厄克特本以为自己会入内阁任职,不料未能如愿。于是他暗中发誓要取代背叛自己的首相,搞垮所有的对手。他利用自己能够掌握内阁机密和掌握党内人士隐秘的优势,操控了一个又一个官员,并利用《每日纪事报》里想成为一线政治记者的玛蒂·斯多林,令她在媒体上大做文章。
  'What do you trunk, Francis?'
  'Perhaps we are through the worst.'
  'No, not necessarily. But at least we have a breathing space and I can tell you, I need that more  than anything. The pressure.. ' He shook his head slowly. 'Well, you understand, I'm sure.'
  Collingridge took a deep breath to summon up fresh resources from within. 'But it is only a  breathing space, Francis.' He waved to the empty seats around the Cabinet table. 'I don't know how  much firm support I still have amongst colleagues, but I have to give them something to hold on  to. I can't afford to run away. I have to show I've nothing to hide, to take the initiative once  again.'
  'What do you intend to do?'
  The Prime Minister sat quietly, beneath the towering oil painting of Robert Walpole, his longest- serving predecessor who had survived countless scandals and crises and whose magnificent portrait  had inspired many leaders during times of trial. As Collingridge gazed in contemplation across St  James's Park, the sun burst through the grey autumn skies, flooding the room with light. The sound  of children playing rose up from the park. Life would goon.
  He turned to face Urquhart. 'I have an invitation from Weekend Watch to appear this Sunday and put  my own case — to restore the balance. I think I must do it - and I think I must do it damned  well! They've promised no more than ten minutes on the Observer nonsense, the rest on broad policy  and our ambitions for the fourth term. What do you think?'
  Urquhart chose not to express any opinion. He was more than content to let Collingridge use him as  a sounding board while he made up his own mind, bouncing ideas and arguments off him to see how  they sounded, letting Urquhart know of every move along the way.
  'At times like these, men must make up their own minds.'
  'Good!' Collingridge exclaimed with a chuckle. I'm glad you think that way. Because I've already  accepted.' He took a deep breath and exhaled fiercely through flared nostrils. 'The stakes are  high, Francis, and I know there are no easy options. But for once I feel lucky!'
  It was Urquhart's turn to gaze out through the window and think hard. As he did so, the sun  disappeared once more behind the clouds, and the rain began to beat down on the pane.
  Penny put the call from the Chief Whip through to O'Neill in his office. A few seconds later the  door was carefully closed. Penny heard the sound of O'Neill's raised voice some minutes later, but  could not decipher what he was shouting about.
  When the red light on the extension phone flashed off to indicate the call was finished, there was  no sound at all from O'Neill's office. Pressed forward by a mixture of curiosity and concern, she  knocked gently on his door, and opened it cautiously. O'Neill was sitting at his desk with his  head in his hands. He looked up as he heard Penny come in, and confronted her with wild, staring  eyes.
  His voice croaked and his speech was disjointed.
  'He ... threatened me, Pen. He said if I don't he would... tell everyone. I said I wouldn't but...  I've got to alter the file...'
  'What file, Roger? What have you got to do?' She had never seen him like this. 'Can I help?'
  'No, Pen, you can't help. Not on this... Damned computers!' He seemed to regain a little self- control. 'Penny. I want you to forget all about it. I want you to go home. Have the rest of the  day off. I'm ... going out shortly. Please, don't hang around waiting for me, go home now.'
  'But, Roger, I...'
  'No questions, Pen, no questions. Just leave!'
  She gathered her things in tearful confusion as O'Neill slammed his door shut once again and she  heard it locking from the inside.
  Collingridge began to relax as the programme unfolded. He had rehearsed hard for the previous two  days, and the questions were much as expected, giving him an excellent opportunity to talk with  genuine vigour about the next few years. He had insisted that the questions concerning the  Observer allegations be kept until the end, partly so that Weekend Watch could not renege on its  promise to restrict the section to ten minutes, and partly because he wanted to be into his stride  and in command before grappling with them. He hoped that after forty-five minutes of him talking  about the bright future for the country the questions would look mean and irrelevant.
  Sarah was smiling encouragingly from the edge of the studio as they went into the final commercial  break. He gave her a thumbs-up sign as the floor manager waved his arms to let them know that they  were about to go back on air.
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