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时间:2013-11-30 14:15:52  来源:  作者:丹·布朗  [ 下载本书 ]
  The man with the rash began scratching nervously again. “Listen, I was given only five minutes. We need to get out of here, now. If I found you, then the people trying to kill you might find you, too. There is a lot going on that you don’t understand. We need to get to Venice. Immediately. The trick will be getting out of Florence unseen. The people who have Dr. Sinskey … the ones chasing you … they have eyes everywhere.” He motioned toward the door.
  Langdon held his ground, finally feeling like he was about to get some answers. “Who are the soldiers in black suits? Why are they trying to kill me?”
  “Long story,” the man said. “I’ll explain on the way.”
  Langdon frowned, not entirely liking this answer. He motioned to Sienna and ushered her off to one side, talking to her in hushed tones. “Do you trust him? What do you think?”
  Sienna looked at Langdon like he was crazy for asking. “What do I think? I think he’s with the World Health Organization! I think he’s our best bet for getting answers!”
  “And the rash?”
  Sienna shrugged. “It’s exactly what he says—severe contact dermatitis.”
  “And if it’s not what he says?” Langdon whispered. “If it’s … something else?”
  “Something else?” She gave him an incredulous look. “Robert, it’s not the plague, if that’s what you’re asking. He’s a doctor, for heaven’s sake. If he had a deadly disease and knew he was contagious, he wouldn’t be reckless enough to be out infecting the world.”
  “What if he didn’t realize he had the plague?”
  Sienna pursed her lips, thinking a moment. “Then I’m afraid you and I are already screwed … along with everyone in the general area.”
  “You know, your bedside manner could use some work.”
  “Just being honest.” Sienna handed Langdon the Ziploc bag containing the death mask. “You can carry our little friend.”
  As the two returned to Dr. Ferris, they could see that he was just ending a quiet phone call.
  “I just called my driver,” the man said. “He’ll meet us out in front by the—” Dr. Ferris stopped short, staring down at Langdon’s hand and seeing, for the first time, the dead face of Dante Alighieri.
  “Christ!” Ferris said, recoiling. “What the hell is that?!”
  “Long story,” Langdon replied. “I’ll explain on the way.”
  NEW YORK EDITOR Jonas Faukman awoke to the sound of his home-office line ringing. He rolled over and checked the clock: 4:28 A.M.
  In the world of book publishing, late-night emergencies were as rare as overnight success. Unnerved, Faukman slipped out of bed and hurried down the hall into his office.
  “Hello?” The voice on the line was a familiar deep baritone. “Jonas, thank heaven you’re home. It’s Robert. I hope I didn’t wake you.”
  “Of course you woke me! It’s four o’clock in the morning!”
  “Sorry, I’m overseas.”
  They don’t teach time zones at Harvard?
  “I’m in some trouble, Jonas, and I need a favor.” Langdon’s voice sounded tense. “It involves your corporate NetJets card.”
  “NetJets?” Faukman gave an incredulous laugh. “Robert, we’re in book publishing. We don’t have access to private jets.”
  “We both know you’re lying, my friend.”
  Faukman sighed. “Okay, let me rephrase that. We don’t have access to private jets for authors of tomes about religious history. If you want to write Fifty Shades of Iconography, we can talk.”
  “Jonas, whatever the flight costs, I’ll pay you back. You have my word. Have I ever broken a promise to you?”
  Other than missing your last deadline by three years? Nevertheless Faukman sensed the urgency in Langdon’s tone. “Tell me what’s going on. I’ll try to help.”
  “I don’t have time to explain, but I really need you to do this for me. It’s a matter of life and death.”
  Faukman had worked with Langdon long enough to be familiar with his wry sense of humor, but he heard no trace of joking in Langdon’s anxious tone at that moment. The man is dead serious. Faukman exhaled, and made up his mind. My finance manager is going to crucify me. Thirty seconds later, Faukman had written down the details of Langdon’s specific flight request.
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