"I drew these souls to me, tight as I drew you when I took youupwards, and out of Sheol we rose, into the full blasting light ofHeaven as it came pouring over the walls and the gates. And onceagain, those gates, which I had never seen in my early eons, werethrown open, and we found ourselves, one Archangel and a fewmillion human souls, standing once more in the very midst of Heavenbefore amazed and laughing and pointing and startled andflabbergasted angels who gathered around us in a great circle, crying to getthe attention of everyone until Heaven finally fell quiet.
"Well, I thought, so far so good. We're inside. And the humansouls! The human souls could see the angels and the human soulswere overjoyed. Oh, I can't even remember this moment withoutdancing. I can't remember it without singing. The souls were jubilant,and when the angels began their great potentially cacophonoussinging of questions and exclamations, the human souls began tosing!
"Indeed, Heaven was never going to be the same. I knew it. Iknew it instantly. Because this is what took place. These soulsbrought with them the same powers of projection which they hadlearnt in Sheol, that is to create around them out of the invisiblesomething of an environment that they wanted, longed for, and towhich they were able to give their full wills.
"And the geography of Heaven was changed dramatically andinstantly and in an infinite capacity. There rose the towers and castlesand mansions which you saw when I took you there, the domedpalaces and libraries, and the gardens, oh, the breathtaking projectionsof flowers in all directions, things that angels simply never thought tobring to Heaven . . . well, it was all there. Trees rose in their maturefullness; rain came in whispering gusts, full of fragrance. The skywarmed and colors everywhere expanded or deepened. These soulstook the invisible fabric of Heaven, whatever it is梕nergy, essence,the light of God, the Creative Power of God梐nd in a twinklingsurrounded us all with wondrous constructions representing theircuriosity, their concepts of beauty and their desires!
"All that they had learnt on Earth they had brought into Heaven,creating it irresistibly in its most cherished form!
"The commotion was beyond anything I had ever witnessed sincethe Creation of the Universe itself.
"And nobody appeared more astonished than the Archangel Mi-chael, who was staring at me as if to say, 'Memnoch, you've broughtthem into Heaven!'
"But before he could get those words out, and as the souls stillstood together, only beginning to realize that they could shift andtouch the angels and touch the things they envisioned, there camethe light of God Himself桬n Sof?rising and spreading out frombehind the figures of the Seraphim and Cherubim, and very gentlyand considerately falling down upon these human souls, filling eachand laying all secrets of each totally open, as angels are open.
"The human souls cried with joy. Anthems rose from the Angels.
I began to sing with my arms outstretched, 'Lord, Lord, I have yoursouls, worthy of Heaven, and look what they have brought toHeaven, Lord, look on your Creation, look on the Souls of those youevolved from the tiniest cells through flesh and blood and Sheol toyour very Throne. Lord, we are here! Lord, it's done, it's done. It'shappened. I have come back and you have allowed it.'
"And having said more than enough, I fell down on my knees.
"The songs had reached a frenzy, a sound no flesh-and-bloodhuman could endure. Anthems rose from all quarters. The humansouls were growing denser, more visible, until they appeared asclearly to us as we did to them and to each other. Some of them werelocking hands and jumping up and down like little children. Otherswere merely crying and screaming and the tears were flooding downtheir faces.
"And then the light swelled. We knew God was about to speak.
We fell silent, en masse. We were all the bene ha elobim. And Godsaid:
" 'My Children. My beloved Children. Memnoch stands with hisMillions, and they are worthy of Heaven.'
"And the voice of God ceased, and the light grew stronger andwarmer, and all of Heaven became pure acceptance and pure love.
"I lay down upon the floor of Heaven in weariness, staring upwardsinto the great firmament of beautiful blue sky and ever-twinkling stars. I heard the souls of the humans rushing hither andthither. I heard the welcoming hymns and incantations of the angels.
I heard everything, and then, in imitation of a mortal, I closed myeyes.
"Did God ever sleep? I don't know. I closed my eyes, and I lay stillin the Light of God, and after all those years and years in Sheol I wassafe again, and I was warm.
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