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恶魔麦诺克(英文原著 Memnoch the Devil)

时间:2013-11-11 13:19:18  来源:  作者:Anne Rice  
简介:  安妮·赖斯是美国当代著名的小说家之一,有“吸血鬼之母”之称,她1941年出生在美国新奥尔良,1961年与诗人斯坦·赖斯结为伉俪,1964年获旧金山州立大学学士学位,1971年获加州大学硕士学位。她在成名之前做过多种工作:女招待、厨师、引座员等等,经历十分丰富,为她的写作奠定了充实的基础。
  "I came at the same moment. I felt the ejaculate shoot from mybody into her. I felt it fill the warm, tight cavity. My body continuedto writhe with the same rhythm, and then the feeling, the indescribableand wholly new feeling, slowly ebbed and went away.
  "I lay exhausted beside her, my arm over her, and my mouthsought the side of her face and kissed her, and I said in her language,in a rush of words, 'I love you, I love you, I love you, sweet andbeautiful creature, I love you!'
  "And to this she gave a yielding and respectful smile, and snuggledclose to me, and then seemed about to weep. Her carelessnesshad led her to a tenderness! Her soul suffered inside her, and I felt itthrough the palms of her hands!
  "But in me there was a tumult of knowledge! I had felt the orgasm!
  I had felt the highly developed physical sensations that come tofulfillment when humans sexually mate! I stared at the ceiling of thecave, unable to move, unable to speak.
  "Then very gradually, I realized something had startled her. Sheclung to me, then she rose on her knees, and she ran away.
  "I sat up. The light had come down from Heaven! It was comingdown from Heaven and it was God's light and it was looking for me!
  I rushed to my knees and to my feet and ran out into the light.
  " 'Here I am, Lord!' I cried. 'Lord, I am full of joy! Lord, God,what I have felt, Lord!' And I let out a great anthem, and as I did sothe material particles of my body dissolved about me, shorn off byme, almost as if by the power of my angel voice, and I rose to my fullheight and spread my wings and sang in thanks to Heaven, for what Ihad known in this woman's arms.
  "The voice of God came quiet yet full of wrath.
  " 'Memnoch!' He said. 'You are an Angel! What is an Angel, aSon of God, doing with a Daughter of Men!'
  "Before I could answer, the light had withdrawn and left mewith the whirlwind, and turning, my wings caught in it, I saw themortal woman was only there, at the bank of the sea, and that shehad seen and heard something inexplicable to her, and now in terrorshe fled.
  "She ran and I was carried upwards to the very gates of Heaven,and then those gates for the first time took on height and shape forme as they had for you, and they were slammed shut against me, andthe Light struck me and down I went, forced down, plummeting asyou plummeted in my arms, only I was alone, alone as I was slammedagain, invisible, but bruised and broken and crying, against the wetearth.
  " 'You, my Watcher, what have you done!' said the voice of God,small and certain by my ear.
  "I started to weep, uncontrollably. 'Lord, God, this is a terriblemisunderstanding. Let me ... let me lay my case before you . . .'
  " 'Stay with the mortals you love so much!' He said. 'Let themminister to you, for I will not listen until my anger is cooled. Embracethe flesh you crave, and with which you are polluted. You won'tcome into my sight again until I send for you, and that shall be by mychoice.'
  "The wind rose again, swirling, and as I turned over on my back, Irealized I was wingless, and in the flesh once more and the size ofa man.
  "I was in the body I had created for myself, generously reassembledfor me by the Almighty, down to the last cell, and I lay hurtingand aching and weak on the ground, moaning, and sad.
  "I had never heard myself cry before with a human voice. I wasnot loud. I was not full of challenge or desperation. I was too sure ofmyself still as an Angel. I was too sure God loved me. I knew He wasangry, yes, but He'd been angry with me many, many times before.
  "What I felt was the agony of separation from Him! I could not atwill ascend to Heaven! I could not leave this flesh. And as I sat up andlifted my arms, I realized I was trying to do this with my whole being,and I couldn't do it, and then sadness came over me, so great, solonely, and so total that I could only bow my head.
  "The night had begun. The stars filled the firmament and were asdistant from me as if I had never known Heaven at all. I closed myeyes, and I heard the souls of Sheol wailing. I heard them pressingnear me, asking me what I was, what had they witnessed, whence hadI been thrown to the earth? Before I had gone unnoticed, mytransformation having been quiet and secret, but when God had thrust medownwards, I had fallen spectacularly as an angel and immediatelyinto the shape of a man.
  "All Sheol was crying in curiosity and foment.
  " 'Lord, what do I say to them? Help me!' I prayed.
  "And then came the perfume of the woman near me. I turned andI saw her creeping towards me cautiously, and, when she saw my face,when she saw my tears and my distress, she came boldly towards me,slipping her warm breasts against my chest again, and clasping in hertrembling hands my head."13SHE TOOK me back to the encampment. She brought me insidethe gates. Men and women rose from the campfires andchildren ran towards me. I knew that I possessed angelicbeauty, and their admiring glances didn't surprise me. But I didwonder what in the name of Heaven they meant to do.
  • 上一部:《不抱怨的世界》
  • 下一部:《因为痛,所以叫青春》
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