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恶魔麦诺克(英文原著 Memnoch the Devil)

时间:2013-11-11 13:19:18  来源:  作者:Anne Rice  
简介:  安妮·赖斯是美国当代著名的小说家之一,有“吸血鬼之母”之称,她1941年出生在美国新奥尔良,1961年与诗人斯坦·赖斯结为伉俪,1964年获旧金山州立大学学士学位,1971年获加州大学硕士学位。她在成名之前做过多种工作:女招待、厨师、引座员等等,经历十分丰富,为她的写作奠定了充实的基础。
  "The next day, I watched from the forest. I tracked a band ofhunters, so that they did not see me, but I could see them. When Iwas glimpsed, I ran, which seemed the acceptable and predictablebehavior. Nobody chased me.
  "I hung around the thriving life of these humans for three daysand three nights, and during this time, I knew their limits, I knewtheir bodily needs and aches, and I had gradually come to know theirlust, because all of a sudden, I discovered it flaming inside of me.
  "This is how it happened. Twilight. The third day. I had come toan entire score of conclusions as to why these people were not part ofNature. I had an entire case to make to God. I was almost about toleave.
  "But one thing which has always fascinated angels, and which Ihad not experienced in the flesh, was sexual union. Now as an invisi-ble angel one can come quite close to those coupled, and see intotheir half-shut eyes, and hear their cries, and touch the flushed fleshof the woman's breast and feel her heart race.
  "Countless times I'd done this. And I realized now that passionateunion梐 true experience of it梒ould be crucial to my case. I knewthirst, I knew hunger, I knew pain, I knew weariness, I knew abouthow these people lived and felt and thought and talked to each other.
  But I really didn't know what happened in sexual union.
  "And at twilight on the third day, as I stood by this very sea, here,far, far from the encampment, looking towards it miles to our right,there came towards me as if out of nowhere a beautiful woman梐daughter of man.
  "Now, I had seen scores of beautiful women! As I told you, whenI first beheld the beauty of women ... before men had become quiteso smooth and hairless ... it had been one of the shocks of PhysicalEvolution for me. And of course during these three days, I had fromafar studied many beautiful women. But, in my subterfuge, I hadn'tdared to go very close. After all, I was in the flesh and trying to gounnoticed.
  "But three days, mark me, I had had this body. And the organs ofthis body, being perfectly made, responded at once to the sight of thiswoman, who came walking boldly along the banks of the sea, a rebelwoman, without a guardian male or other females, a young, bold,slightly angry, longhaired and beautiful girl.
  "Her garment was no more than a coarse animal skin, with achewed leather belt around it, and she was barefoot and her legs werenaked from the knee down. Her hair was long and dark, and her eyesblue梐 beguiling combination. And her face very youthful yet full ofthe character imparted to a face by anger and rebellion梐 girl filledwith pain and recklessness and some desire to do herself harm.
  "She saw me.
  "She stopped, realizing her vulnerability. And I, never havingbothered with garments, stood naked, looking at her. And the organin me wanted her, wanted her immediately and violently; and I feltthe first promise of what that union might be like. That is, the firststirring of real desire. For three days, I had lived by the mind as anangel. Now the body spoke and I listened with an angel's ears.
  "She meantime did not run from me, but took several steps closer;and in her reckless heart made a resolution, based upon what experi-ence I couldn't know, but she made it; that she would open her armsto me if I wanted her. And with the smoothest, most gracefulmovement of her hips, and with a gesture of her right hand, lifting her hairand then dropping it, she let me know.
  "I went to her and she took my hand and led me up those rocks,there, to where the cave is, you can see it, just over your left shoulderand up the slope. She took me there, and by the time we reached theentrance, I realized that she was flaming for me as I was flaming forher.
  "She was no virgin, this girl. Whatever her story, she was not ignorantof passion. She knew what it was, and she wanted it, and thelunge of her hips towards me was deliberate, and when she kissed meand put her tongue into my mouth, she knew what she sought.
  "I was overcome. For one instant I held her back, merely to lookat her, in her mysterious material beauty, a thing of flesh and decaythat nevertheless rivaled any angel I'd ever seen, and then I gave herback her kisses, brutally, making her laugh and push her breastsagainst me.
  "Within seconds, we had fallen down together on the mossy floorof the cave as I had seen mortals do a thousand times. And when myorgan went inside of her, when I felt the passion, I knew then what noangel could possibly know! It had nothing to do with reason, orobservation, or sympathy, or listening, or learning, or trying to grasp. Iwas in her flesh and consumed with lust, and so was she, and thetender muscles of her hairy little vaginal mouth clamped down upon meas if she meant to devour me, and as I thrust inside of her, again andagain, she went blood red in her consummation, and her eyes rolledback into her head and her heart stood still.
  • 上一部:《不抱怨的世界》
  • 下一部:《因为痛,所以叫青春》
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