After that magazine was finished I picked up the automatic weapons I had gotten from the hitmen and started in towards the compound. I encountered no resistance heading up to the gate. The fourth guard though, was waiting right behind the concrete wall and opened fire on me. I hit the ground and rolled, barely missing getting shot. The guard darted off towards the barn before I had a chance to return fire.
Past the inner wall I met little resistance and decided to go through the house to see if I could find Valdero. There was a lot of shouting and screaming going on in the house. Apparently some of my shots caused something to catch on fire and the smoke was starting to build up.
Searching through the house I kind of wondered if I would find Valdero or not and whether it really mattered at this point. I don’t even know what he looks like and have only heard his voice briefly over the phone.
Two of Valdero’s men were scanning inside the house from the back patio window. The idiots started shooting blindly through the windows hoping to hit something, but that only made it worse for them since the smoke rushed out and made it harder for them to see. But it was easy for me to see where they were shooting from even though my eyes were watering from the smoke. A couple of rounds from the automatics and those two were dispatched.
I was searching the house best as I could. I found little resistance due to the fire and smoke causing everyone to flee. Since no one was around I would have to head to the barn.
I made my way to the side of the house where I had a view of the barn through some open windows. I took out the one guard covering the front of the building before he could see me.
Just then I then see a car dart out from behind the barn with its engine roaring as it peels out. I could not get a look at the driver but there appeared to be a passenger in back. I shot at the back window of the car only to have nothing happen, they were bullet resistant windows! The car broke through the back gate and headed out before I could fire at it any more.
I was hoping Valdero was not in that car as if he were then everything I did was for nothing. I waited a minute inside of the house contemplating my next move and whether anything I did further mattered. “What do I do next?” I thought to myself. Do I sit here like an idiot waiting for them to firebomb the house or go out fighting?
Then I heard his voice. Valdero was screaming at his few remaining guards to protect the barn and not let anyone in. I saw someone make a mad dash to the now broken back fence only to be cut down by someone inside the barn. Valdero and his men were scared and preparing to make their last stand. They must have thought I was some rival cartel with plenty of firepower to spare. Their confusion would be my advantage.
I doubled back to the two guards I killed on the patio and picked up their weapons. There were two AK-47s. I unloaded one AK and dumped it on the ground before grabbing the other one. I was going to need all the fire power I could get to make a strong showing of force to help continue the belief that there was more than one person assaulting their compound. Heck, who knows maybe Valdero would even save me the trouble and kill himself out of fear. Somehow I did not think that was going to happen.
With smoke still billowing from the house I made my way through the back of the house past the pool. There was a wooden privacy fence around the pool that would let me get closer to the barn but would not provide any protection from bullets. But that was my only way to get in close to the barn and finish what I started.
I crawled alongside the fence moving cautiously to try and keep the noise to a minimum. It was hard though with the weapons I was carrying. In an over-reaction one of the guards opened fire right in front of where I was. I hugged the ground and heard some more yelling from inside the barn.
I was crawling as low as I possibly could until I got to a gap in the fence. Peering through the gap I could see a couple of windows and shadows moving around inside. But there was no talking. I opened fire with the AK on the windows and on the walls in the hopes the bullets might go through the walls and hit something. The ensuing commotion inside gave me an opportunity to dart to the back of the building.
One of Valdero’s men ran out of a back door while screaming and shooing his rifle. I emptied the remaining bullets from the AK into him and threw the rifle to the ground. I could hear Valdero screaming in a panic for his men to do something. I did not think he had many guards left at that point to do much of anything against this imagined armyWithout looking inside I sprayed a barrage of bullets in through the door. I could hear a lot shuffling inside in an apparent attempt to take cover.
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