"The Twelfth Revelation of Evolution was that the female of thehuman species had begun to look more distinctly different from themale of the human species by a margin so great that no otheranthropoid could compare! The female grew pretty in our eyes, andseductive; the hair left her face, and her limbs grew graceful; her mannertranscended the necessities of survival; and she became beautiful asflowers are beautiful, as the wings of birds are beautiful! Out of thecouplings of the hairy ape had risen a female tender-skinned andradiant of face. And though we had no breasts and she had no wings,she looked like US!!!!"We stood facing each other in the stillness.
Not for one second did I fail to grasp.
Not for one second did I seek to understand. I knew. I looked athim, at his large beautiful face and streaming hair, at his smoothlimbs, and his tender expression, and I knew that he was right, ofcourse. One need not have been a student of evolution to realize thatsuch a moment had surely come to pass with the refinement of thespecies, and he did embody the empowered feminine if ever acreature could. He was as marble angels, as the statues of Michelangelo;the absolute preciseness and harmony of the feminine was in hisphysique.
He was agitated. He was on the verge it seemed of wringing hishands. He looked at me intently, as if he would look into me andthrough me.
"And in short order," he said, "the Thirteenth Revelation ofEvolution made itself known. Males mated with the loveliest of thefemales, and those who were most lithe, and smooth to touch, andtender of voice. And from those matings came males themselves whowere as beautiful as the females. There came humans of differentcomplexions; there came red hair and yellow hair as well as black hairand locks of brown and startling white; there came eyes of infinitevariety梘ray, brown, green, or blue. Gone was the man's broodingbrow and hairy face and apish gait, and he, too, shone with the beautyof an angel just as did his female mate."I was silent.
He turned away from me, but it seemed impersonal. It seemed herequired of himself a pause, and a renewal of his own strength. Ifound myself staring at the high arched wings, drawn close together,their lower tips just above the ground where we stood, each featherstill faintly iridescent. He turned around to face me, and unfoldingout of the angelic shape, his face was a graceful shock.
"There they stood, male and female, He created them, and exceptfor that, Lestat, except for梩hat one was male and one was female,they were made in the Image of God and of His Angels! It had cometo this! To this! God split in Two! Angels split in Two!
"I don't know how long the other angels held me but finally theycould no longer, and I went up to Heaven, ablaze with thoughts anddoubts and speculations. I knew wrath. The cries of suffering mammalshad taught me wrath. The screams and roars of wars amongstapelike beings had taught me wrath. Decay and death had taught mefear. Indeed all of God's Creation had taught all I needed to speedbefore him and say, " 'Is this what you wanted! Your own imagedivided into male and female! The spark of life now blazing huge wheneither dies, male or female! This grotesquerie; this impossible division;this monster! Was this the plan?'
"I was outraged. 1 considered it a disaster! I was in a fury. I flungout my arms, calling on God to reason with me, to forgive me, andsave me with reassurance and wisdom, but nothing came from God.
Nothing. Not light. Not words. Not punishment. Not judgment.
"I realized I stood in Heaven surrounded by angels. All of themwere watching and waiting.
"Nothing came from Almighty God but the most tranquil light. Iwas weeping. 'Look, tears such as their tears,' I said to the others,though of course my tears were nonmaterial. And as I wept, and asthey watched me, I realized I wasn't weeping alone.
"Who was with me? I turned round and round looking at them: Isaw all the choruses of angels, the Watchers, the Cherubim, theSeraphim, the Ophanim, all. Their faces were rapt and mysterious, andyet I heard a weeping!
" 'Where is the weeping coming from!' I cried.
"And then I knew. And they knew. We came together, wingsfolded, heads bowed, and we listened, and rising from the earth weheard the voices of those invisible spirits, those invisibleindividualities; it was they梩he immaterial ones梬ho wept! And their cryingreached to Heaven as the Light of God Shone on Eternal, withoutchange upon us all.
" 'Come now and witness,' said Raphael. 'Come watch as we havebeen directed.'
" 'Yes, I have to see what this is!' I said, and down I went into theearth's air, and so did all of us, driving in a whirlwind these tinywailing, weeping things that we could not even see!
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